ESAR Home Care is committed to maintaining a culture that respects each individuals right to privacy. This document sets out ESAR Home Cares Policy for the management of Client, Provider and Employee personal information.
ESAR Home Care works within the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles which sets out the principles for organisations to follow for the collection, use, storage and disclosure of personal information.
ESAR Home Care collects information, both verbal and written, including (but not limited to) text messages, emails, referrals, Care Plans, communication and feedback from Clients, Providers and Staff. This information is securely stored and consent will be obtained from the relevant Client, Provider or employees prior to information being released.
All information collected will be used:
- directly for the purpose for which it was collected;
- to provide safe, appropriate and timely care;
- to ensure that clients and staff are safe;
- to ensure that all reasonable care is delivered.
ESAR Home Care will take practicable precautions to ensure that all information held:
- is protected from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification and/or disclosure;
- is secure, accurate and complete;
- is accessed by authorised persons only;
- is disposed of appropriately (as per document retention requirements) when no longer required.
ESAR Home Care will not disclose any information to a third party unless:
- written consent is obtained;
- the person is an employee of ESAR Home Care;
- it is deemed necessary for the required care to be completed;
- it is in the interest of the health and/or wellbeing of the Client or Employee;
- it is required by law to disclose the information.
Clients and Employees can access their personal information, or lodge a complaint for a suspected privacy breach by making a request in writing to the General Manager.
A response to this request will be provided within 14 working days.
ESAR Home Care Staff are to abide by Privacy Act 1988 and the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (including Amendments).
ESAR Home care will not disclose or use personal information for any purpose other than:
- Purpose for which it was provided;
- When the Client, Carer, Guardian or Provider has given written consent;
- When authorised by law.
All Staff working on behalf of ESAR Home Care must read, understand and agree to comply with and sign the companies “Confidentiality Agreement” prior to commencing employment.
ESAR Home Care Staff must maintain Client confidentiality and ensure that any confidential information is stored securely at all times.
The exchange of any confidential information to unauthorised persons is not permitted. Any exchange of information must be authorised by ESAR Home Care.
All Provider, Client and staff information is held in secure cabinets with restricted access.
Any ESAR Home Care Employee who is found to have breached confidentiality will face disciplinary action.
Procedure for Confidential Information
All Client information (including but not limited to Personal Information, Service Requests, Service Plans, and Care Plans) must:
- never be discussed with unauthorised persons;
- never be shared electronically including on social media;
- never be left in open view;
- be stored securely;
- be shredded when no longer required;
- be out of eyesight of Clients family, friends and visitors;
- only be accessed by the Client, referring Provider and authorised employees;
- not be copied without authorisation;
- be secured when the information is not relevant to client being visited.
Measures must be taken by Employees to ensure that information in their possession is secured at all times.
ESAR Home Care is committed to delivering a quality service to our clients and welcomes all feedback, acknowledging that both compliments and complaints can play an important role in improving our services. We appreciate the care and support our Workers provide to our clients, their families, Providers, other Office Staff and the General Community.
When any compliment or acknowledgement is received for services provided by ESAR Home Care employees a Compliment Certificate is generated and provided to the recipient of the compliment. Some examples may include, but are not limited to:
- Positive Feedback relating to the services provided by Support Workers
- The behaviour experienced in booking services & maintaining services by Coordinators
- Help, support & guidance provided by ESAR Home Care Office Staff.
The names of all recipients are recorded and at the end of the month with one worker nominated as Support Worker of the Month.
Support Worker of the Month
ESAR Home Care recognises the importance of acknowledging excellent performance. This is done by rewarding a Worker each month. Support Worker of the Month is selected from those who have received Compliments during the month. ESAR Home Care Management make the final decision of who is selected with workers acknowledged and celebrated through ESAR Home Care’s Employee newsletter.
ESAR Home Care understands from time to time that there may be complaints. ESAR Home Care takes all Client complaints seriously and is committed to dealing with them effectively.
We aim to respond to all complaints:
- In a timely manner
- Investigate thoroughly and in an unbiased manner
- Keep all involved informed of the investigation’s progress and outcome where reasonably practicable
- Maintain the confidentiality of those involved
- Ensure an equitable, fair and reasonable resolution for all parties
- Identify trends of causes of complaints eliminated to improve ESAR Home Cares operational effectiveness.
All compliments and complaints can be made in person, over the telephone or via our website feedback page. You may also remain anonymous if you wish to.
ESAR Home Care actively use feedback as an opportunity for continuous improvement. We also encourage our staff to provide suggestions for process improvements based on the feedback they receive from our clients.
ESAR Home Care provides services for people with disability and seniors in their own homes and community settings. ESAR Home Care is a growing company which is responsive to our customer needs and expectations and is committed to promoting the independence of clients while offering an effective and quality service to those who require assistance to remain at home
Our objectives are to:
- Comply with Environmental, Safety and Workers Compensation legislation, Customer requirements and any relevant Standards or Codes of Practice, as far as is reasonably practicable, with a view to continually improving our Management System.
- Ensure all Workers are held accountable and responsible for Quality, Safety, Environmental and Risk Management performance through setting objectives and targets at each functional level.
- Ensure a pro-active risk management approach to Quality, Safety and Environment for all services offered through the identification of hazards, risk assessments and the elimination or control of risks through the organisations risk management and consultative methods.
- Provide and maintain operations, premises, equipment, plant and substances that are safe and without risks to health with the aim of eliminating workplace incidents.
- Provide effective consultation between Managers, Supervisors, Coordinators, Workers and interested parties.
- Provide information, instruction, training and supervision as necessary to ensure our Quality, Safety and Environmental system is current.
- Prevent pollution to the environment and minimise waste.
- Ensure information is current through a robust document control management system.
- Provide adequate information and instruction for contractors, sub-contractors and visitors.
ESAR Home Care is committed to planning continuous improvement initiatives, independent system reviews and focussing on setting measurable objectives and targets at each functional level aimed at enhancing our Quality, Safety & Environmental Management System.
ESAR Home Care acknowledges that senior Management Team have overall responsibility for guaranteeing our integrated Management System and encourage the support and contributions of all Managers, Supervisors, Coordinator, Workers and all other interested parties.